Notifications: Push, Email, SMS

Notifications are a tool of communication between an operator and players. You can send system information, reminders of the events, some marketing information, etc.

Using the EvenBet Gaming software for your online poker project you can easily manage notifications of all types such as email, SMS, web push, and mobile push (iOS and Android).

You can create your own email templates. The content of notifications of any type can be flexibly set up with variables. 

Using the segmentation tool you can specify Player Groups that should receive particular notifications. Also, you can divide all notifications into different types. There is a type that can’t be turned off by a player (NB: use it only for urgent notifications and pay attention to the legal issues of your country).

Administrators can send notifications manually, schedule them or set up periodical sending.

We provide a basic email provider but you can change it to any SMTP service. For SMS notifications the EvenBet Gaming platform supports a wide range of providers.

The list of providers:

  • SendPulse — email and SMS;
  • Sigma — SMS;
  • — SMS;
  • — email, iOS and Android push notifications;
  • 2Factor — SMS.

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