用 EvenBet Gaming 打造未來吧!

EvenBet Gaming 是一家針對線上博弈開發軟體的 IT 公司。 我們業務遍及全球。 我們的產品在多個國家廣為人知,有數百萬使用者使用我們的伺服器遊玩。 我們擁有您也可以加入的龐大國際團隊! 如果您對博弈公司的工作感興趣,請檢視我們的職缺。




我們打造的產品滿足所有國際品質和安全標準。 我們不斷完善自身。 我們學習並使用最新的技術與工具。 我們不斷培訓我們的員工。 公司提供高等級和初等級的博弈開發工作。 我們擁有導師制度。 這應是您在博弈公司職業生涯的良好開端! 公司正在蓬勃成長,其為所有人都提供有巨大的職業機會。

exciting job


在 38 個國家有約 3000 萬使用者使用我們的博弈產品。 我們在線上和線下與全球客戶進行溝通。 我們在全球各地區參加展覽、會議和其他活動。 在 EvenBet Gaming 工作意味著總是會遇到來自全球不同角落的人們。 透過我們的工作了解全世界吧!


我們每位隊友都備受關注與關懷。 考慮員工之偏好,我們打造有備受歡迎的工作環境。 我們提供有遠端和現場的線上博弈工作。 我們還尤其提供有醫療費用報銷。


我們採用遊戲化方法讓員工更好參與其中。 您可以在社區中選擇一個與您的工作職責無直接聯繫但對團隊工作和舒適度有用的角色。 舉例來說,您可以是一名管理我們辦公室圖書館的圖書管理員。 您將會為此得到一大筆獎金,您可以利用獎金從我們的內部「商店」兌換不同物件:公司商品、iPhone、健身房會員資格等。 其為自願性質,您並不必須要完成。

party office


我們打造了一個非常友好的環境。 我們的團隊包容任何文化、年齡和性別。 在敝公司,您可以找到志同道合的人,甚至是好友。 我們也尊重家庭價值。 我們組織家庭假日慶祝活動,我們永遠為員工子女提供有禮物。


博弈產品也為線上博弈帶來樂趣和我們的工作。 我們慶祝節日時會考量隊友的文化特質。 我們會慶祝「公司生日」,公路旅行始終是一件令人興奮的大活動。 我們還會慶祝「團隊之日」,我們專為自己打造了此節日。 此外,我們在「週五」之夜會舉辦不計其數的聚會活動。


我們追求自身成功,並致力為世界增添美好。 敝公司積極投身慈善事業。 我們參與幫助銀髮族的專案,同時致力於推進改善偏遠地區教育基礎設施之專案。 我們也力行環保。 我們參與綠色專案並不斷減少紙張使用,優先使用數位文件。 我們還支持平等!

party party sport
abstract image


在世界任何地點工作的機會 醫療費用報銷 裝置折舊費 導師制度和高技能團隊領導者 公司出資的培訓 公司聚會和聯誼活動 靈活的日程安排和以您所在時區工作的機會



是的,我們的僱傭關係將是合法的。 我們會遵守勞基法,我們會簽立正式協議。


在我們與您的僱傭關係中,我們會依據您的公民身份遵守勞基法。 其會包括社會保障、假期和貴國法定的休假。


入職過程取決於您所擔任的職務。 此過程分為幾個步驟。 您會得到一名幫助您適應我們團隊和理解我們工作流程的導師。


這取決於職缺。 通常,它由三步組成。 第一步是簡短的預篩面試。 之後您要完成一份有時間限制的測試任務。 我們通常會提前告知候選人任務類型。 有時,不需要進行測試任務。 然後我們會進行最終輪的面試。 其總共會需要大約 3 小時時間。


我們是一家 IT 公司,所以我們開發軟體並提供服務。 您不需要有博奕技能。 有些職位需要了解規則,但您將會接受培訓。 有些職位需要遊玩我們的博弈遊戲,但只是用於測試而非為了取勝。


我們使用 Scrum 和 OKR 等敏捷方法。 我們有透明的評分制度,您將始終了解您在公司內的職業軌跡。 此外,我們會觀察管理趨勢並使用最有用的最新功能提高團隊效能和工作便利性。

Open positions

IT Recruiter


  • Full-cycle recruitment of IT specialists in various locations.
  • Participation in HR projects of the company.
  • Maintaining a candidate database and building long-term relationships with potential employees.

We expect you to:

  • Not be afraid of complex and unclear (they're only challenging at first!) job requirements.
  • Persistently understand who exactly is needed in the team.
  • Not be afraid to make mistakes and draw conclusions from them.
  • Understand that soft skills of a candidate are more important for us than hard skills, although the latter are essential.
  • Know how to assess candidates correctly and draw useful conclusions.
  • Smooth out rough edges in communications.
  • Be an energetic optimist.
  • Work for results, not from 9 to 5.
  • Be versatile, developing, loving people, and loving your job.


  • At least one year of experience as a recruiter or HR manager with recruitment responsibilities.
  • Experience in the IT field.
  • English language level B2.

What we offer:

  • Flexible schedule, floating start of the workday.
  • Opportunity to work from anywhere in the world.
  • Experience working on international projects.
  • Professional colleagues ready to share expertise. We have a mentorship program in place.
  • Company-sponsored training.
  • Bonus system within the company.
  • Medical service compensation.

    Apply for this job

    The Head of Digital Marketing & Analytics

    Duties & Responsibilities

    • Develop and execute the digital marketing strategy for the company, across all channels including website, social media, email, paid advertising, and SEO
    • Plan and manage budgets for all digital marketing activities, ensuring efficient use of resources and ROI
    • Oversee the creation and curation of engaging content for our digital channels, working with internal teams and external agencies
    • Analyse data and insights to inform decision making and optimise campaigns in real-time
    • Launching end-to-end analytics, working with data of digital footprint of our clients, recognising of most profitable channels and improving the digital strategy accordingly
    • Deep analysis of CRM data (all the pipelines and conversion rates) 
    • Improving data reflection in CRM according to the main tasks of the marketing strategy 
    • Stay up-to-date on latest digital marketing trends and technologies, and identify opportunities for innovation within the team
    • Manage and develop a team of digital marketing specialists, setting objectives and providing feedback/direction
    • Liaise with other departments within the company (e.g. sales, product, customer success) to ensure alignment of digital marketing activities
    • Develop and maintain relationships with key industry partners and influencers
    • Represent the company at relevant conferences and events
    • Monitor competitor activity and benchmark against them
    • Achieve agreed upon KPIs and targets set by upper management
    • Prepare regular reports for upper management on performance and progress against objectives

    Required Skills and Qualifications

    • 3-5+ years in a leadership role in marketing, with at least 3 years in digital marketing
    • Proven track record of developing and executing successful digital marketing campaigns/launching end-to-end analytics/improving pipelines and increasing conversion rates
    • Experience managing a team of marketing professionals
    • In-depth knowledge of all aspects of digital marketing, including SEO, social media, email marketing, and lead generation
    • Strong analytical skills and experience using data to drive marketing decisions
    • Good communication, writing, and presentation skills
    In case you lack expertise in one of these fields, let’s talk and find out how we can elaborate. We are flexible, we are focused on the result not just the process and we are ready to coach you all the way to your adaptation.

    Preferred Skills and Qualifications

    • Bachelor’s degree in marketing, business, or related field
    • C1 English (minimum fluent B2)
    • Experience in a B2B environment
    • Experience in the software or technology industry
    • Working knowledge of CRM platforms

      Apply for this job

      Head of Casino

      EvenBet Gaming is an international IT company with 22+ years of experience. We are developing a unique online platform for multiplayer card games and social casinos. The product receives high recognition in the international markets. Our team consists of 150+ IT specialists located in different countries on different continents. Now we are looking for a Head of Casino.

      What you will need to do:

      • Management and development of the Casino Games business direction.


      • Organisation of work with game suppliers:
      • Search, market research, and conclusion of contracts, negotiation of favourable conditions;
      • Joint marketing activities, promotion of games;
      • Conducting mutual settlements with suppliers;
      • Continuous optimization of working conditions with suppliers to maximise margins.
      • Organisation of work with operators:
      • Formation of pricing policy;
      • Participation in sales to existing and new customers;
      • Constant work with existing customers to increase the turnover and marginality of games;
      • Organization of marketing campaigns with operators;
      • Customer development, connection of new games;
      • Product strategy:
      • Formation of Casino Games and Casino Aggregator;
      • Product market positioning, formation of features, and requirements for the technical team;
      • Product development strategy in various niches and regions of the world.

      Performance indicators:

      • Revenue growth of business direction and products;
      • Margin growth of business direction and products.

      What we will value in you:

      • Experience working with casino games, understanding of the market;
      • Knowledge of game suppliers;
      • Knowledge of English at level B2 and above;
      • Managerial skills;
      • Entrepreneurial position;
      • Communication skills.

      What we offer:

      • Flexible start of the working day;
      • The ability to work from anywhere in the world;
      • One hundred percent payment of vacations and sick leave;
      • Compensation for paid medical services;
      • Training at the expense of the company;
      • Bonus system within the company.

        Apply for this job


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        112, IGA HUB, Level 2,
        Salvu Psaila Str, Birkirkara,
        BKR 9076, Malta