
Blind is a mandatory bet, which is made alternately by all players sitting at the table.

Types of bets in poker

The following types of bets are usually distinguished in poker:

  1. A) Mandatory (these include blind, ante, and bring-in) – linking. The main function of mandatory bets is to form a pot
  2. B) Voluntary (raise, push, squeeze, limp, call, block bet, etc.) – linking. Voluntary bets help a player to choose the style of his play (it can be aggressive or passive).

What is a blind in poker?

It’s main function is to maintain the dynamics of the game: without it, players would just sit back and wait for the best combination.

With the blind system, players are forced to participate in the distribution, as the amount of the pot gradually increases. At the same time, the blind is a great way to increase the interest of the participants in the distribution: each of them seeks to take the prize for themselves.

Types of blinds

In most varieties of poker, there are small and big blinds.

  • The small blind (SB) is a mandatory bet, the size of which is 50% of the big blind.
  • The big blind (BB) is a mandatory bet, the size of which depends on the conditions set by an owner of a poker room. In cash games, the BB value is indicated in the description of the selected limit, and in tournaments, it is constantly growing.

How does the blind system work?

The blinds are forced bets made by two players sitting to the left of the dealer (it is also called the button-linking). The player next to the dealer places a small blind (SB) and then another participant puts a big blind (BB). Due to this, the participants in the game are on an equal footing, since after each draw the position of the button moves one place clockwise.


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