date 6 September 2022 update Upd: 27 August 2024 reading time 12 min views 2801 views

Content marketing increases lead generation for poker room businesses, both in quantity and quality. According to CMI, 1% of companies using it said that it isn’t successful and only 16% reported a minimal effect. The survey Statista goes, that 88% of marketers in 2021 perceived it as at least somewhat successful.

content marketing effectiveness

So, the use of content marketing is obvious. But there is a question about what content to use for marketing to attract players to an online poker room. Let’s talk about the basic principles and generate a bunch of ideas.

Basics of Content Marketing

Content marketing is a special technique of communication with an audience when you don’t advertise your product directly. The key point is to create the content your customers are interested in.

The content should be:

  • Helpful. The audience should get some use from it.
  • Entertaining. Few people would consume content if it seems to be a hard job.
  • Relevant. The content should meet the interests of the audience you want to attract.

The promotion of the product should be indirect. A vivid example is The Lego Movie. Definitely, it advertises the product. The film demonstrates different ways to play with Lego and shows the pleasure it gives to a person. But first of all, it’s a great movie that was awarded by many prestigious film academies and associations and has lots of fans.

How can it help poker rooms increase revenue? There are some points.

  1. Acquisition. Valuable content attracts traffic to your information resources. Some of them who are just interested in the content can become your players. Even players from a competing poker room can come to you.
  2. Engagement. It provides closer communication with your brand. The content can increase loyalty of your current players and improve their user experience.
  3. Retention. Content marketing brings diversity into communication with your brand. So, it’s the way to prevent boredom and churn.

Below, we give you a list of ideas. Maybe, you’ll use some of them in your project or they’ll give you food for thought and help to get your own ideas. But keep in mind, that making content is fun but content marketing is still marketing and you should always mean the profit behind the creativity.


poker basics idea for content

Poker Basics

Every day some more people get interested in poker. They still know little about the game but want to get a better look. The most obvious way is an internet search. If you publish the basic information there is a chance that these people will land on your website. Likely, you’ve already published the detailed rules of different poker variations you suggest to players. But what else can you do?


Beginners often search for the meaning of poker terms and slang. If you make the glossary with a proper SEO promotion they will often come to your website. Some of them will stay and play.

History of Poker

Tell the audience how different poker games were born, and how were they changing in their history. This could warm the interest to the game.


poker lessons idea for content


Many players work on their skills and seek different tutorials and guides. Why can’t they find them on your site?


Post lessons on how to learn to play poker and the basic poker math. Also, you can make an advanced level course to attract more skilled players.


The series of publications with a deep explanation of different poker strategies and tactics will also attract players who are already passionate about the game.


The recurrent short publications with various subtle techniques and effective tricks could motivate the audience to check your information resources regularly.

Equipment Review

Help your players to make their gaming more enjoyable. Review the best chairs for comfortable gaming, for example. Maybe it could be computer mice or smartphones for mobile gaming. Also, you can review offline poker sets or other devices for home games just for better involvement in poker culture.


You can review recent famous tournaments and analyse the tactics of the most successful players. Also, discuss it with your audience.

Poker Room’s Features

Some of the features of your poker room can be not obvious to players. Show them different ways of using these features in a series of short publications. This will help your current players to gain a better user experience and show the advantages of the room to those who have just come to get your content. 


Teach the audience to notice a cheater. Also, you can explain the most effective methods of protecting their accounts from hacking. Tell about popular ways of fraud. Besides the traffic to your website, it will educate your current players, and increase their scam alert.


content for poker community

Poker Community

Every person has a need to be a part of a social group. In our case, such a group is a poker community. It’s great if your content platform becomes an information channel and social environment for the community which is related exactly to your poker room.

Players Interviews

Make a series of interviews with the most successful players. Possibly, with ones who play in your poker room. Ask how they train their skills, keep concentration, etc.


Hire a skilled streamer who will regularly play in your poker room and talk about various poker issues with the audience. If the streamer is popular and charismatic viewers will most likely want to play with them.


Show and discuss the most fabulous and funny moments of the recent tournament or the latest session of your streamer. This will warm the interest in viewing or participating in such events and involve in the community activity.

Poker News

It’s not about the news of your poker room but about the whole iGaming industry. Another country legalised online poker? An IT company developed AI that could beat a poker champion? A famous poker player declared the end of their career? In short, review different news about poker.


Ask a well-known and authoritative person in the poker sphere what they think about this or that news. They could tell their opinion on the future of online gaming or predict some trends. Deeply involved players monitor such publications and some of them may try to play in your poker room. Also, the author could share the link to this content on social media.


Tell about famous people who are known as poker lovers. Maybe some of them will agree to be interviewed for your blog or YouTube channel.


It can be a video format or just an audio podcast. Several charismatic persons who are keen on poker can regularly discuss recent events or some other poker-related topics. Controversial topics will provoke the audience to express their opinions in comments and the communication among players will contribute to the development of the poker community on your information resources.

Results of the Year

Everybody reviews the results of the year. So, why shouldn’t you? It will show the audience the progress of your poker room and players will feel like a part of this process.


storytelling in online poker content marketing


A story is one of the most effective formats of content. According to Paul J. Zak, the founding director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies, character-driven stories make the information more memorable and bring much pleasure to the audience. So, you definitely should try to use storytelling.

Legendary Stories

Tell about the most remarkable players in poker history. Firstly, it’s interesting. But also, their biographies may inspire your users to play more and improve their skills.

Poker Folklore

Lots of superstitions, myths, and unbelievable stories circulate in the poker community. Some of them could be mystical or even creepy. Probably, it’s not a good idea to tell such things totally serious. But it could be sort of fun.

True Crime

In the history of poker, there were lots of shocking cases of crimes. You can tell about them in a series of fascinating stories. So, it could be a detective story of great scam exposure or an exciting heist novel.


fun content online poker content marketing

Fun Content

This category of themes is aimed at better retention. Such content creates a comfortable environment for experienced players and helps newcomers to join the specific poker culture.


Funny stories, jokes, comics, and memes about poker will entertain your audience. If they are really witty players will share them. It will bring you a new audience.


The top is a very popular genre. Make top-10 charismatic poker players, top-5 bad beats on tournaments of the last year, etc. It has a great potential for viral spread. E.g., if you make the top-10 of poker podcasts, maybe some of their authors will share your article. This genre is practically unlimited for generating content ideas.

Cultural Review

With their rich history, card games left a vivid mark in the cultures of different nations. There are movies, songs, fiction books, etc. You can compile collections of them and such publications will be most likely successful.

User Generated Content

Encourage the audience to make their own content: memes, drawings, poems, short stories, etc. Maybe, you will even organise a kind of poker arts rivalry. It will facilitate the involvement of the community and help you to fill in the content plan.

Poker Gifts

Discuss the most popular gifts for poker players. Such content is especially relevant on a holiday eve. Also, if you offer some gift certificates or merch you can mention them in this article.


Make quality relevant content and with the proper distribution, it will attract the audience interested in poker. As a result, you will boost brand awareness of your poker room, increase retention, and bring new players.

Content marketing is very effective but it works only with quality service. Otherwise, you will get just a medium but not a tool for your poker room. Check whether you need some fundamental changes in your project. Maybe it’s time to change your software provider?

EvenBet Gaming provides 35+ poker and popular card games and over 2000 casino and mini-games. Our platform is fully customisable and has flexible promo tools. If you are looking for an online poker software provider, contact our managers for details.

Also, you can read our free e-book about acquiring and retaining poker players.

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    Konstantin Shelikhov

    Article by Konstantin

    Konstantin Shelikhov

    Content Manager at EvenBet Gaming