Big 2

What is Big 2?

Big 2 is a card game that has its roots in Cantonese culture and is popular throughout East and Southeast Asia.


  • Big 2 can be played with up to 4 players.


  • Big 2 utilizes a standard deck of 52 cards


  • In Big 2 the first dealer is chosen by cutting the deck, then look at the bottom card of the cut pile for its rank, from ace to king. Going counterclockwise and starting with ace as 1, count players until you reach the rank of the card at the bottom of the cut pile. This player will begin the game.
  • Going counterclockwise players are dealt thirteen cards receiving one at the time, the goal being to play every card player’s been dealt
  • Whoever is dealt the three of diamonds begins the game as first player.


  • Begin the game by playing the three of diamonds. The three of diamonds is the lowest ranked card, so it must be placed first either by itself or in some combination. The rules of big two revolve around the game’s own ranking of the cards and suits.
  • If the player with the three of diamonds has another three in their hand, or two threes, they might consider playing the card in a double or triple. The advantage to this is that it forces the remaining players to also play a double or triple, potentially damaging their ability to get cards out of their hand.
  • The rules of big two require you to place increasingly higher-ranked cards, and always of whatever number combination the round began with.
  • It’s not obligatory to play cards. If it’s advantageous, the player can hold on to his cards, passing at will.
  • When a player is unable to play a higher card or combination of cards, he must pass. Once everyone saves one player has passed, a new round will begin.
  • To start again, the previous round’s pile of cards is set aside. The player who did not pass will play first by playing any single card or combination of cards.
  • The game will continue in this way until one person has played their last card. Once a player has emptied their hand of cards, they are automatically determined the winner.


  • The penalty points are counted up, determined by the number of cards left in hand. The player with the lowest number of the points will be second, the next lowest, third; and the player with most will be last.
  • While 1 card usually counts to 1 point, if the player has ten, eleven, or twelve cards in their hand, they will count two points per card. And for those with all cards still in their hand, their score will automatically be 39 (3 points per card).

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