
EvenBet Gaming launches a new unique In-Store feature. The first-of-a-kind internal store, available for both real and play money poker projects, allows operators to diversify their revenue sources, earning from play money games and tournaments and in-game benefits sold to players.

The first version of the In-Store works across all types of client applications and includes the most-sought items for sale:

  • Chips, rubies or play money packages to participate in games and tournaments. This item also allows operators to use sweepstakes revenue models on the EvenBet Gaming poker platform.
  • Time Bank and Insurance Time Bank extend decision-making time for making a bet or purchasing insurance before going all-in.
  • Rabbit Hunting packages reveal undealt cards for analysing the game or satisfying the player’s curiosity.

The next In-Store updates will extend the item list with such additions as the Opponent Game Statistics and customisable VIP Cards that may comprise a selection of in-game features and chip bundles to create a bespoke user experience.

Operators may change items’availability, prices, their representation in the In-Store, and package sizes (for example, 10 Rabbit Hunting activations or 20 of them).

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