date 29 September 2021 update Upd: 22 August 2024 reading time 2 min views 357 views

For the first time, we are presenting our online poker platform at one of the major global gaming industry events. Meet us in Las Vegas on October 4-7, 2021!

EvenBet Gaming will present its world-leading package of online gaming solutions in one of the booming iGaming markets. You will find our company at booth 4424 on the G2E Vegas expo floor. Drop by to discuss online poker software and the poker market development in the Americas, casino games and sports betting integration, to try our software live, and to get exclusive materials.

“We are extremely excited to visit this iconic gaming industry event, especially after a long break in global face-to-face activities. Online poker has been a part of the American gaming culture for more than 20 years, even despite the long stagnation caused by the government ban. Now that the vertical sees the light again, there are all the opportunities for poker operators’ growth, and we hope to help them by providing a solid technical background for their projects,” says EvenBet Gaming CEO Dmitry Starostenkov.

To meet Dmitry and the EvenBet Gaming team in Vegas, visit stand 4424 or book a meeting by contacting us on the website or by sending an email.

Viva Las Vegas!