date 27 April 2015 update Upd: 18 February 2022 reading time 2 min views 366 views

Spring renewal at EvenBet Poker: introducing version 2.2 with new games and tables, fixes and more updates, mobile native applications are coming up.

New significantly updated version of Evenbet Poker is released. What are the main new features of version 2.2?

  • Straddle for really high stakes players. Just to remind you: straddle is a voluntary bet made by a player left to the big blind before the cards are dealt. Straddle is a minimum of double big blind.
  • Anonymous tables for those who do not want to show even a nickname, not to mention other data.
  • New split prizes tournaments – now more options to share the big money.
  • Better and more smooth animation.
  • And more!

In addition, we have added dozens of fixes and updates to enhance EvenBet Poker platform performance and to create a better players’ and room owners’ experience. For complete new features list and price offers on purchasing new online Poker software, contact us via e-mail or the special form right on the website.

New features are available for all EvenBet Poker packages, including instantly expanding Bitcoin network. Launched in spring 2014, today it adjoins a growing number of profitable websites, and we receive new partnership requests daily. The network success is quite natural since new partners don’t need to make significant investments or obtain a gaming license.